News Construction of Beach deck at Visakhapatnam VMRDA Park | Setting up of 200 MLD Desalination plant and Petroleum pipelines Corridor at Vadinar, Gujarat | EIA studies for construction of Pedestrian Sky Walk across Adyar Estuary, Chennai | Design of Fishing Harbours | EIA studies for the discharge of Fish Processing effluent at Ratnagiri | EIA Studies for expansion of Pipavav Port | Preparation of DPR for AP Fisheries | Studies for setting up of Offshore windmills | Extension of effluent discharge in the open sea at Bhavnagar | Seabed surveys for development of Fishing harbours along Saurashtra coast News Oceanographic investigations and Preparation of DPR for setting up of Desalination Plant in Gulf of Kachchh | Pre-feasibility study for setting up of Desalination Plant in West Indies | Multibeam Dredging Survey for a Port at Ratnagiri | Oceanographic investigations and Marine Environmental Impact Assessment for Green Ammonia Plant at Gulf of Mannar | Six monthly Environment monitoring for effluent outfall projects in Gujarat and Odisha | Marine EIA Studies for Port Jetty at Gulf of Kachchh, Jamnagar | Modelling studies on disposal of dredge spoil at Machilipatnam port | CRZ Study for Transmission Line for Reliance | Wave Tranquility study at Kovaya Port, Gujarat | Studies for Development of Port at Lakshadweep islands | 500 KLD Desalination plant at Alibaug | Oceanographic studies for setting up Port at Kori creek | Studies on Offshore windmills at Gulf of Mannar | Studies for effluent discharge at Ratnagiri & Mangalore Petroleum Jetty and Desalination plant at Vadinar, Gujarat EIA study for Pipavav Port | Design and Engineering of seawater intake and outfall for Desalination plant in Andhra Pradesh CRZ studies for Power transmission line across Rann of Kutch Environment Impact Assessment for setting up of Desalination plant in Andhra Pradesh

Seabed Engineering

Exploring the seabed geology by conducting bathymetry, side scan and seismic sonar surveys seafloor is an essential component of services for planning the feasibility of development of marine facilities. For this purpose, with computer aided post processing capability, the buried objects and different strata of soil are identified for planning and design. Indomer offers the following services

  • Single beam bathymetry surveys

  • Multibeam bathymetry surveys

  • Shallow seismic surveys

  • Side scan sonar surveys

  • Underwater positioning

  • Underwater inspection

  • Core sample